• Antenna (map)
  • Beck St
  • Nottingham, NG1 1EQ
  • United Kingdom

This month we talk data!

Drinks will be provided at the event thanks to our sponsor. 
No tickets required, just turn up - it's free!

Redis is the answer, what's the question?

Garry Shutler

Garry Shutler

Garry Shutler (@gshutler) wants to help you solve all your distributed computing woes through the power of Redis. He'll be introducing the basics, some common usage patterns and then we'll be getting hands-on to try it out.

Bring a laptop if you can with your favourite programming language and a running Redis server - if you can't bring a laptop don't worry, we'll sort it.

A local Redis instance http://redis.io/download would avoid wifi woes, but if you're an optimist you could use a service like https://redislabs.com/ as they have a free tier.

About Garry

Garry Shutler is a "mildly" opinionated code samurai, shaver of yaks, and CTO of Cronofy.


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