• Antenna UK (map)
  • Beck St
  • Nottingham, NG1 1EQ
  • United Kingdom

This month we have a jam packed event with three great talks on diversity, agile and Unity3d!

As always, free food and drinks will be provided at the event thanks to our sponsors. 
No tickets required, just turn up - it's free!

Practical Steps Towards Diversity

by Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose

With the increased attention on creating supportive representation spaces, diversity has become a shared goal for most developer communities. But little on how individuals and orgs can act to diversify existing structures has been mapped out. This talk will focus on low impact ways that individuals, groups and organisations can work to foster long and short term diversity.

About Jessica

Jessica Rose (@jesslynnrose) is a self taught technologist with a focus on technical education and accessibility. Founder of Open Code and co-founder of Trans*Code she's always interested in hearing about new projects to make technology more accessible. 

Awesomely Productive Teams

by Zan Kavtaskin

Zan Kavtaskin

Zan Kavtaskin

Most teams are now using some flavour of Agile or Lean Production such as Scrum, Extreme Programming and many more.
However most people and companies don't know why we are using these methodologies, where they came from and what they are trying to achieve. 

Zan's interactive, hands-on talk will explore the origins of the Agile & Lean Production and its core concepts such as Continuous flow, Theory of Constraints and Pull Systems. 

Lean Production has completely changed the car manufacturing industry and now it's changing the software development industry, let's find out why. 

About Zan

Zan Kavtaskin (@zankavtaskin) Head Of Cloud Development at MidlandHR.  He is extremely passionate about Software Engineering, Management and using metaphors to make a point. 

Unity? Child's Play!

by Leif Kemp

Leif Kemp

Leif Kemp

This month we welcome our youngest ever speaker, Leif Kemp!

Leif will be talking us through building worlds in the popular 3d game engine Unity - and how you can make your interactions feel like more than just a dustbin with a camera attached!

About Leif

Leif Kemp (@silverslyder) is a 13 year old who discovered Unity, toyed around with it and hopes to become a great games developer.


See you there!


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