Tech Nottingham logo on a pink background, alongside black and white head shot images of speakers Mark Goodwin and Cara Holland
This month we have two fantastic talks from Mark Goodwin and Cara Holland. Plus we've got free food and drinks provided at the event thanks to our sponsors.
Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets required. Just turn up - it's free!
HTTPS is broken - How Mozilla are Fixing Revocation
by Mark Goodwin
Black and white headshot image of Mark Goodwin
We all depend on HTTPS for security on the web but a key component of this has been broken for as long as we've been using it. Listen to a Nottingham-based browser engineer talk about this problem, how people have tried (and failed) to fix it in the past and what Mozilla are doing to fix it now.
About Mark
Mark is a software security specialist with decades of experience in building, breaking and securing Internet facing systems. Mark currently works for Mozilla on the Firefox web browser.
An illustration of Cara Holland’s talk title, ‘DrawUX’
by Cara Holland
Black and white headshot image of Cara Holland
An exploration of why we should all be working more visually (even if you can’t draw at all).
With a focus on drawing in UX, this talk is for everyone who has to explain, engage, explore or problem solve in their work.
This is a hands on session…there will be drawing!
About Cara
Since founding Graphic Change over 12 years ago Cara has drawn with companies that range from Microsoft and Sony Playstation to the National Cyber Security Centre.
The Graphic Change Academy has trained people to work more visually in over 59 countries (and counting) and her book Draw a Better Business was published in September 2018.
Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!
This month at Tech Nottingham we’ll be giving away two copies of Cara Holland’s book, Draw A Better Business. Attend and tweet on the #TechNott hashtag to be in with a chance!
We'll also be giving away two 1 year subscriptions to a JetBrains product of your choice, including Resharper, IntelliJ and PHPStorm. You know the drill: attend and tweet on the #TechNott hashtag to be in with a chance!
Cara Holland’s book, Draw A Better Business
Jetbrains logo
Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online
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The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas, jokes, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it!
We’re delighted to announce that Capital One have renewed their sponsorship of Tech Nottingham for another year - thank you Capital One for supporting your local Tech Community!