Tech Nottingham January 2021
This month we welcome the fantastic James Williams to speak at Tech Nottingham
Plus we'll be having fun, playing some games and giving away swag and prizes.
Join us on Zoom!!
Password: TNjan2021!
TikTok & Geopolitics
by James Williams
James Williams
TikTok is popular, creative, scary and indicative of a wider conversation about technology and data in relation to geopolitics. Come along for a show and tell, a story from Barcelona and some unanswerable questions that you might find interesting.
About James
James is a software & product consultant that works independently in Nottingham. He loves working on new problems, connecting product & technology and working in education & charity.
Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!
We’ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during the event.
Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online
The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas, jokes, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it!