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Tech Nottingham August 2021

This month we welcome the wonderful Natalia Waniczek to Tech Nottingham.
Plus we'll be having fun, playing some games and giving away swag and prizes.

Tonight's event is remote via Zoom, you can join using this link: https://nott.tech/tn-aug-2021-zoom.

Meeting ID: 868 3114 7916
Passcode: TNAug21!

New to Online Tech Nottingham? Read about what to expect.

Saving the world one techy at a time

by Natalia Waniczek

In this talk we’ll discuss climate change, how technology is escalating it, and how we as individuals can kick off big systemic change.

We have so much to be grateful for. The world around us is beautiful, and power is in our hands to make sure that future generations will have as much, if not more, to be grateful for.

Unfortunately, the tech sector produces about 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, which is about 2% of the global CO2 emissions, the same amount as aviation. According to the UN we only have 10 years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change.

You will walk out of this talk having learned what the current state of tech's impact on climate change is, and a number of steps we can take to reduce our carbon footprint, and prevent this from escalating further.


About Natalia

Natalia Waniczek

Natalia Waniczek

Natalia is a front end developer at The Developer Society, working with nonprofits, NGOs and groups with a progressive mission to help make the world we live in a better place. With a passion for the environment, she's taken up an Environmental Science degree and is not afraid to voice her opinions and advocate against climate change. If she's not coding or trying to fix the world, she's either exploring Cornwall with her whippet Dobby, climbing rocks, or trying to outlift everyone in the gym.

Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!

At this month’s event we’re giving away a copy of Tom Greenwood’s Sustainable Web Design to one lucky attendee


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