Join us for Nott Tuesday with a great talk and practical session from Mike Haber.
Nott Tuesday is a community of people building and growing the startups and tech businesses of Nottingham.
Each month we come together to hear stimulating speakers give talks on the challenges of starting and running a technology business, practical guidance on operating a business and exploring future technologies for new opportunities.
Most of all Nott Tuesday is an opportunity for business people and aspiring entrepreneurs to come together, meet like-minded people, share knowledge and grow.
Everyone is welcome and there are no tickets required. Just turn up - it's free!
Mike Haber
by Mike Haber
Clean Language is a coaching method designed to clarify someones understanding about a situation. We can use simple questions & techniques when interviewing people to find out useful & interesting things about them. This is very useful when getting an understanding of how they like to work, or how they want a piece of technology to work.
Mike Haber is training to be a Clean Language coach, and has developed this workshop with his colleagues to help people use these Clean Interviewing techniques.
Read more about Clean Interviewing here:
This talk will cover:
- Systems Thinking and mindset
- Intro to Clean Language and Metaphors
- Clean Interviewing
- Have a go!
About Mike
Mike (@michaelthaber) spends most of his time thinking about complex problems involving people and Information Technology. After study at the Open University he's currently training to be a Coach using Clean Language. He doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.