• Antenna (map)
  • Beck St
  • Nottingham, NG1 1EQ
  • United Kingdom

This month we are pleased to welcome James Byatt (@grumpyjames) to Tech Nottingham!

As always, free food and drinks will be provided at the event thanks to our sponsors. 

No tickets required, just turn up - it's free!

The Limits of Tell Don't Ask

James Byatt

James Byatt

Angry at the ill-definedness of object oriented programming, James Byatt (@grumpyjames) spots a gap in the internet and decides to define an extreme version of tell don't ask (TDA).

We will pair up, attempt to make some provided source code obey the definition, then add some features to it. Along the way, perhaps we'll learn a bit about the usefulness of TDA, and how it might help us make design choices in the real world.

As we'll be doing some hands-on with some code, bring a laptop if you can! (if you can't, don't worry, we'll sort something out)

About James

James Byatt was a mathematician, but then he sold out. He now spends his time seeking purity in software design, currently working at a latency sensitive financial startup, mostly complaining about premature optimisation.


With support from

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